Our Mission: Equipping children so no matter what they grow up to be; they will always know who they can be in Christ.
At CrossPoint Community Church our vision is to help kids Grow in Christ. We believe that children are a gift from the Lord. We desire to have each child come to a relationship with Jesus.
Our values
our children’s ministry will focus on…
1) Safety
2) Bible-centered teaching
3) Fun
Matthew 19:14 “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.’”
Infants up to age three receive great care in our Dr. Seuss themed nursery. Loving workers staff the nursery by 10:15 am each Sunday. Children need to be signed in and out of the nursery by an adult family member.
Kids have a blast at our Sunday morning VBS! For children ages 3 – grade 6. Each week will be full of fun, great lessons, and interesting activities. Kids, invite your friends and join the fun!
- LittlePoints (ages 3 – K)
The LittlePoints class meets for the full hour of worship for songs, activities, and simple Bible lessons. Loving workers staff the LittlePoints room by 10:15 am each Sunday. Each week your LittlePoint will engage in our Sunday morning VBS program where children rotate through various VBS themed stations of lessons, crafts, and activities. Children need to be signed in and out of the class by an adult family member. Our LittlePoints staff has great fun with the children and looks forward to working with you and your LittlePoint.
- KidsPoint for grades 1-6
Our KidsPoint ministry offers great Bible lessons, fun activities, and a once a quarter Breakout Bash of games and fun. Children begin Sunday morning service participating in worship with the adults before they are dismissed for KidsPoint. Classes are offered for grades 1-6 where students receive age appropriate Bible lessons and participate in a variety of fun activities through our Sunday morning VBS program where children will rotate through various VBS themed stations of lessons, crafts, and activities. Following KidsPoint students are dismissed for cookies and punch or maybe even a cup of cappuccino!
- Breakout Bash!
Once per quarter we plan a super, fun day called Breakout Bash, where kids play
games and participate in various VBS theme related activities. KidsPoint and LittlePoints love Breakout Bash and have a blast!
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