
Buy a Christmas Poinsettia
In memory of or in honor of a friend or loved one.  Help decorate the church for Christmas. Cost is $12 each. Fill out form or place order online at and click the give online button or pick up an order form from the literature table.

Business Meeting
Everyone is invited to attend the business meeting Sunday, November 17 following the worship service. Members will elect two people to serve on the 2025 nominating committee.

Adult Christmas Choir
Interested in joining our Christmas choir? Plan to stay after church this Sunday, November 3. Meet at the front following the service.

Christmas Decoration Team
‘Tis the Season! Everyone is invited to join the CrossPoint Christmas Decorating Team on Monday, November 25 at 10 am to decorate the CrossPoint building for Christmas.

Mustard Seed Thanksgiving Baskets
Help encourage families in our community. We will be receiving donations for Thanksgiving food baskets for Mustard Seed until Tuesday, November 19.  A list of needed items is on the table in the lobby. You can place donations on the table in the upcoming weeks. If you would like to give a monetary donation for the baskets please mark Thanksgiving baskets on the “Other” line of your offering envelope or at the online giving website. Thank you for your support of Point Place and Shoreland families.

 Join a Small Group:
~ Men’s Group
All men are invited to join the Men’s group this Tuesday at 7 pm in the lobby here at CrossPoint for their current study of The Armor of God – Spiritual Warfare. You can pick up a study book at the table in the lobby.
– Grab a bite to eat before the meeting at KT’s Diner on Suder Ave at 5:30 pm.

~ Ladies’ Group
Our ladies’ group meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in the Anchor Room. We are currently studying the book of Habakkuk using the book “Embracing Joy” by Jean Wilund. Plan to join us this Wednesday for our next discussion on week three of our study book.

~ Dinner Out Group
Our Dinner Out group meets every month on a Monday evening at 6:30 pm. There will be no Dinner Out Group in December.

Interested in Serving at CrossPoint?
We have several ways you can offer your gifts and talents here at CrossPoint!

Hospitality Team:
Greeting Team:
Be the first smile that greets people at the door as they arrive for worship. This awesome ministry is a great way to get to know people at CrossPoint.

Ushering Team:
This team assists with service details such as serving communion, distributing handouts, and keeping a general eye on the lobby and lower level during the worship service. Talk to coordinator Jill Gardner if you are interested in serving on the Hospitality Team.

Refreshments Team:
This fun team prepares and serves our coffee and refreshments for the Sunday morning worship service. Sign up on the bulletin board if you are interested in joining the Refreshments Team. Talk to coordinator Stephany Petersberger with any questions or for more information

Tech Team:
If you can press a computer button you qualify to be on the PPT Tech Team. This fun position assists the worship team and Pastor Mike during the worship service by operating our PowerPoint. No worries if you don’t have experience, we will train you on all of the ins and outs of assisting with tech. Contact Pastor Mike if you are interested in joining the team.

Care & Compassion Team:
This team comes along side those who are in need of help, encouragement, visits, and meals during the difficult moments of life. You will love being a part of this ministry as we grow close to one another.

Blessing Box
The Blessing Box is for everyone! Please feel free to take any items that will bless you or be a blessing to others.
– Products that are not taken will be donated to the Mustard Seed every few months so food items will remain fresh. Please do not donate items, especially food items, that have been opened. Thank you for being a blessing by donating to the Blessing Box.

KidsPoint for age 3 – grade 6
Our KidsPoint ministry is full of awesome Bible lessons, fun crafts, and engaging games. Your children will begin the service in the sanctuary for the opening songs and will then be dismissed upstairs for class.

Crayons & Coloring Pages
Attention parents and grandparents! We have crayons and coloring pages available for children to use during the worship service and to take home with them following the service. The coloring packets are in a basket at the literature table. Feel free to help yourself!

CrossPoint Online!
Can’t make it to the morning service? We will be live streaming our worship service on our Facebook page beginning at 10:30 am Sunday mornings. We will post a video later in the day on to our website. Click (here) to view CrossPoint worship services.

Opportunities to Give:
~ By Mail:

You can give to CrossPoint Community Church by mailing your offerings to:
CrossPoint Community Church
P.O. Box 5097
Toledo, OH 43611

~ Give with your mobile device
Download the Easy Tithe app for your iOS or Android device. With the free mobile app you can manage your account and donate tithes and offerings to CrossPoint.

~ Online Giving
Interested in giving your donations for CrossPoint online? Simply go to our homepage and click on the “Give Online” link, then follow the online giving log in directions. If you would like, you can set up your donations to be sent to CrossPoint automatically each month. Contact Pastor Mike or Amy Gardner at the church office with any questions.

~ Kroger Community Rewards
Thank you for supporting CrossPoint Community Church through your Kroger rewards! Contact the church office at 419-729-0733 if you’d like more information on how you can sign up!

Check out our current groups/studies