Ladies Group Wednesday, February 12

Due to the expected snow this afternoon and evening the Ladies’ Group study scheduled for tonight (Wednesday, February 12) is canceled.

Join us for worship this Sunday, February 16, as Pastor Robbie Ortiz brings the message Abiding. Have a great week and hope to see you on Sunday.

Living Expectantly 2025

CrossPoint’s Leadership Team has developed a theme for 2025: “Living Expectantly”

It is important for us to live our lives EXPECTING that God will work and move among us. We should EXPECT the presence of Jesus, since He is our Emmanuel. We should EXPECT the power of God, since He is a miracle-working God. We should EXPECT growth in us and in our church, since God wants to build His kingdom here.

Join us this Sunday morning at 10:30 am (online or in person) and worship our mighty God with us!

Advent at CrossPoint

Advent begins on Sunday, December 1. Advent is a time of expectation, remembering, preparation, and looking ahead.

We mark the passing of each of the four weeks of Advent by lighting a candle with a specific meaning every Sunday. They are the candles of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.

These themes help us re-live the emotions and feelings of the people of Israel as they longed for deliverance from oppression and darkness.

Join us each Sunday of Advent as we anticipate the arrival of Jesus as a child, and his arrival in the future when he comes again!

Click here for a calendar of events during the month of December.

Community Thanksgiving Service at Messiah Lutheran Church this week

This week our CrossPoint congregation is joining four churches in a CommunityThanksgiving Service. The service begins at 10:00 am instead of our normal starting time of 10:30 am. We will be gathering at Messiah Lutheran Church, 4703 N. Summit St. in Point Place, at the corner of Summit and 108th Street.

Pastor Mike, Pastor Jon Komperda, Pastor Mark Kuhlman and Pastor Amy Kuhlman will be leading the service together as we collectively thank God for all of His blessings, and experience Holy Communion together.
  • Sunday, November 24, 2024
  • Messiah Lutheran Church, 4703 N. Summit St.
  • Begins at 10:00 am
  • Children’s ministry will be provided
  • A time of refreshment will follow

Questions God Asks

Join us for worship this Sunday as we continue to look at the Questions God Asks. Come and see what God wants us to learn when He asks us questions. Worship begins at 10:30 am. We hope to see you at CrossPoint.

Little Points & KidsPoint for ages 3 – grade 6
Our LittlePoints and KidsPoint ministry is full of awesome Bible lessons, fun crafts, and engaging games your children and grandchildren will love. Please sign-in your children at the children’s check-in table by the stairs in the lobby. Your children will begin the service in the sanctuary for the opening songs and will then be dismissed for their classes upstairs.

We meet for worship every Sunday morning at 10:30 at 4212 Onondaga Ave. You can also join online at our Facebook page ( Past messages can be found there also.

Great Lakes District Superintendent Brian Scott

This Sunday, October 13, we are excited to welcome our new Great Lakes District Superintendent Brian Scott and his wife Susan for worship. Join us as Rev. Scott shares from his heart his vision for our district.  Worship begins at 10:30 am. Hope to see you at CrossPoint. Be sure to say hello to the Scotts.

LittlePoints & KidsPoint for ages 3 through grade 6
Our LittlePoints and KidsPoint ministry is full of awesome Bible lessons, fun crafts, and engaging games your children and grandchildren will love. Please sign-in your children at the children’s check-in table by the stairs in the lobby. Your children will begin the service in the sanctuary for the opening songs and will then be dismissed for their classes upstairs.

We meet for worship every Sunday morning at 10:30 at 4212 Onondaga Ave. You can also join online at our Facebook page ( Past messages can be found there also.


Remember Me

Join us for worship this Sunday, October 6, as guest speaker Amy Gardner brings the message Remember Me. Worship begins at 10:30 am. Hope to see you at CrossPoint!

Little Points & KidsPoint for ages 3 – grade 6
Our LittlePoints and KidsPoint ministry is full of awesome Bible lessons, fun crafts, and engaging games your children and grandchildren will love. Please sign-in your children at the children’s check-in table by the stairs in the lobby. Your children will begin the service in the sanctuary for the opening songs and will then be dismissed for their classes upstairs.

We meet for worship every Sunday morning at 10:30 at 4212 Onondaga Ave. You can also join online at our Facebook page ( Past messages can be found there also.


Questions God Asks

Join us for worship this Sunday as we continue to look at the Questions God Asks. Come and see what God wants us to learn when He asks us questions. Worship begins at 10:30 am. We hope to see you at CrossPoint.

Little Points & KidsPoint for ages 3 – grade 6
Our LittlePoints and KidsPoint ministry is full of awesome Bible lessons, fun crafts, and engaging games your children and grandchildren will love. Please sign-in your children at the children’s check-in table by the stairs in the lobby. Your children will begin the service in the sanctuary for the opening songs and will then be dismissed for their classes upstairs.

We meet for worship every Sunday morning at 10:30 at 4212 Onondaga Ave. You can also join online at our Facebook page ( Past messages can be found there also.


Now To The Harvest

Join us for worship this Sunday, September 15, for our International Missions weekend with guest speakers Beck & Chris Gambill. Come and hear how God is at work around the world.

Little Points & KidsPoint for ages 3 – grade 6
Our LittlePoints and KidsPoint ministry is full of awesome Bible lessons, fun crafts, and engaging games your children and grandchildren will love. Please sign-in your children at the children’s check-in table by the stairs in the lobby. Your children will begin the service in the sanctuary for the opening songs and will then be dismissed for their classes upstairs.

We meet for worship every Sunday morning at 10:30 at 4212 Onondaga Ave. You can also join online at our Facebook page ( Past messages can be found there also.