Join a Small Group
Get connected at CrossPoint! We have a variety of small groups to choose from. A place that’s just right for you!
Sisters in Christ – For ladies of all ages, you’ll find lively discussion, new insight, lots of laughs, and great friendships at our weekly meetings. This group meets in the CrossPoint Anchor Room on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 8 pm. We hope you’ll join us!
Men’s Group – For men of all ages, the men’s group is a great way to get to know each other through a variety of fun outings such as cycling through downtown Toledo, fishing at the Maumee river, and meeting together for study, relevant discussions, and lots of laughs.This group meets every Tuesday at 7:00 pm in the lobby of the church.
All Creation Sings
The psalmist says “Let all the trees of the forest sing for joy,” and “the heavens declare the glory of God.” This group meets once a month on a Saturday for an outdoor activity such as birding, hiking, walking, and visiting parks, followed by an informal meeting at a local coffee shop where we discuss what we saw. This group is perfect for nature lovers! Click here for info on the next ACS outing.
Dinner Out Group
Get to know one another at the once a month dinner out meetings at a nearby restaurant. This is a great way to meet others from CrossPoint while enjoying a great meal together. Click here for info on the next Dinner Out Group gathering.
Call 419-729-0733 for more information about any of our small groups.