Lent begins on Wednesday, March 5, and continues until Easter. Some Christians use this time as a time of spiritual preparation, contemplation, and discipline. Many people give up something for Lent. Pastor Mike has prepared a tool that we can all use to help focus our Bible reading and prayer times. It has a short Scripture passage to contemplate, a prayer topic, and a Gospel reading for each day.
If you want to go further, here are some other suggestions:
- Make room
- Clear out some things that are making you busy
- Give up something for Lent
- Fast
- Get alone
- Jesus often went to a “solitary place” to pray to God. So should we. You might want to try spending some time outdoors.
- Be quiet
- Sometimes we talk too much. Let God speak to us.
- Unplug
- Spend an hour or two each day without using a computer, consulting a smartphone, or playing video games.
- Open up
- As we contemplate and think about God, be open to His speaking to you.
- Pray, but also listen to the Holy Spirit
- Online devotional
- Here’s an online Lent devotional by N.T. Wright