TORN – Day 24

TORN – Day 24 – Tuesday, 3/29/22
Greater Than Our Heart
“Whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart.” (1 John 3:20)
Today’s Scripture reading is John 21:1-17.
Christian philosopher Søren Kierkegaard once wrote, “If you hear it rightly, take the forgiveness of all your sins quite literally, then you will be able to go away from the altar, divinely understood, as light of heart as a newborn child, upon whom nothing, nothing weighs heavily.”
Life is sweet when this is true. But in order to go away in peace, you have to realize your need in the first place. But sometimes shame and fear in our hearts hold us back from this peace that God promises.
But God is greater than our hearts. He knows the feelings that haunt you. Be at peace! – not in your promises to do better, but in his promises, promises that he keeps because of the cross.
Prayer: “Jesus, help me to take you at your word of forgiveness when it comes to…”