Week 6: Alliance Missions

This is the final week of the Alliance 40 Days of Prayer. We have been praying together, as a church and as the Alliance family, for God’s help in ministering to the world. The theme of this final week of prayer is Alliance Missions.

We will be spending time in our Sunday morning worship service dealing with the topic of Alliance Missions. To watch online, go to our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/toledocrosspoint/live/

Here is a short video about Alliance Missions from Tim Crouch, VP for Missions for the Christian and Missionary Alliance.

Weekly Prayer Encounters

The last Weekly Prayer Meeting will be this Wednesday, February 10 from 12:00 to 1:00 pm. You can sign up for those prayer meetings HERE. Click on the large square that says “Alliance Missions” to sign up for the online meeting.

If you are unable to join the meeting, these virtual prayer encounters will be recorded and available to you at a time that works best for you.

Here are all the links for this week:

Wk 6 Adult Devotional

Wk 6 Youth Devotional

Wk 6 Child Devotional

Weekly Prayer Meetings