Seek 2018

SEEK 2018

Join John Stumbo and the Alliance family as together we press into the deeper, abiding presence of God’s Holy Spirit.

Themes of a deeper life and missions were tied together from our earliest days in The Alliance. Our founder, Dr. A. B. Simpson, believed that as the work of God went deeper into our lives, the natural outcome was for the Word and the work of God to extend more broadly from us. God’s heart is for the world, and as our hearts are joined more intimately with His, we begin to share in His passions. It’s within this context that you’re invited to SEEK 2018.

June 8-9 (Friday-Saturday), 2018 at Westgate Chapel.

CLICK HERE to sign up!

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Candles & Carols
Join us for a special Christmas Eve candlelight service Sunday evening at 6 pm. This beautiful service will be full of candles, great music, singing Christmas carols, and a fun story for children. We hope you’ll join us!


Now’s the Time – Come Back to Church!

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Now’s the time! School has started, summer is about over, routines are being set. Why not make church part of your and your family’s life? Come back to church this Sunday, September 11. CrossPoint’s worship service begins at 10:30 am, and there will be a free picnic lunch afterwards.

How should we engage in this year’s election?

We’re in the middle of “Election 2016.” How should we as Christians engage in this year’s election? That’s the subject of this Sunday’s message by Pastor Mike at CrossPoint.

But this isn’t about which candidate or issue to vote for…it’s about how we engage with OTHERS about our feelings and opinions. And in a broader sense, we need to learn how to speak to others about lots of things, and how to respond to others when they hit our “hot button.” Spreading and responding to gossip and falsehoods about others is another issue we’ll be looking at.

We’re supposed to be different, right? Are we really changed because of Christ?

Are We Really Changed - cover slide

Prepare to be challenged! Our worship service begins at 10:30 am.