Unwrapping Christmas

unwrapping-christmas-gift-of-jesusThe gift of Jesus!
Join us this Sunday as we continue our four week Christmas series Unwrapping Christmas. This Sunday guest speaker Jim Gardner will unwrap the special gift of peace Jesus brings as we celebrate his birth this holiday season. Worship begins at 10:30 am. See you at CrossPoint!

Unwrapping Christmas

unwrapping-christmas-gift-of-jesus The gift of Jesus!
Join us this Sunday as we begin our four week Christmas series Unwrapping Christmas. Each week we will unwrap the special gift of who Jesus is as we celebrate his birth this holiday season. Worship begins at 10:30 am. See you at CrossPoint!

I Will…

i-will-m-copyWhat is the church? How important is it? Is it even relevant anymore?

Well, it turns out that the church is really important. The Bible calls the church “God’s household, the pillar and foundation of the truth.” The church is the body of Jesus Christ. It is God’s mouthpiece to the world. And it is made up of believers who are united, devoted, and committed to the mission. Believers who worship, love, and serve together.

This Sunday we continue in our series “I Will…” We’ll be talking about the church, and the decision each of us needs to make to commit to its health, growth, and success.

CrossPoint’s worship service begins at 10:30 on Sunday morning.

I Will…

i-will-m-copyWhat is the church? How important is it? Is it even relevant anymore?

Well, it turns out that the church is really important. The Bible calls the church “God’s household, the pillar and foundation of the truth.” The church is the body of Jesus Christ. It is God’s mouthpiece to the world. And it is made up of believers who are united, devoted, and committed to the mission. Believers who worship, love, and serve together.

This Sunday we begin our series “I Will…” We’ll be talking about the church, and the decision each of us needs to make to commit to its health, growth, and success.

CrossPoint’s worship service begins at 10:30 on Sunday morning.

The Miracle of Mercy

“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.”
Mercy is God’s number one characteristic in the Bible. If mercy is the most important thing he wants us to know about him – then it must be the most important thing for us to learn about him. And it must be the most important character trait God wants to develop in us. Join us Sunday mornings as we learn how mercy can be applied to our lives through our current series The Miracle of Mercy. Worship begins at 10:30 am. Hope to see you at CrossPoint!

Now’s the Time – Come Back to Church!

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Now’s the time! School has started, summer is about over, routines are being set. Why not make church part of your and your family’s life? Come back to church this Sunday, September 11. CrossPoint’s worship service begins at 10:30 am, and there will be a free picnic lunch afterwards.

How should we engage in this year’s election?

We’re in the middle of “Election 2016.” How should we as Christians engage in this year’s election? That’s the subject of this Sunday’s message by Pastor Mike at CrossPoint.

But this isn’t about which candidate or issue to vote for…it’s about how we engage with OTHERS about our feelings and opinions. And in a broader sense, we need to learn how to speak to others about lots of things, and how to respond to others when they hit our “hot button.” Spreading and responding to gossip and falsehoods about others is another issue we’ll be looking at.

We’re supposed to be different, right? Are we really changed because of Christ?

Are We Really Changed - cover slide

Prepare to be challenged! Our worship service begins at 10:30 am.

Join us Sunday September 11

960x420 copyBack to Church Sunday – September 11
As families get into the swing of a new school year it’s a great time to invite your friends and family to join you for church. We will be having a picnic immediately following the worship service that day. Mark your calendar and plan to come Sunday, September 11 and join us for this special service! Worship begins at 10:30 am.

4085-MoM2016-WebHeader_2800x780 The Miracle of Mercy
This church wide study includes a six week small group video study along with Sunday morning messages. All are invited to join a small group and participate in the series. Books will be available to pick up this Sunday, September 4 and 11. We hope you’ll join us each Sunday, September 11 – October 16 for The Miracle of Mercy series. Worship begins each Sunday morning at 10:30 am. See you at CrossPoint!