How to Read the Bible

This Sunday we return to our series, How to Read the Bible. Is there a wrong way to read the Bible? Join us Sunday and find out! Worship begins at 10:30 am. Warm up with hot chocolate or coffee before and after the service!

Untitled-1KidsPoint continues with week five of Investigation Destination. Commissioned as sleuths, kids age 3 through grade 6 continue to look for clues to the King of Kings and discover the life of Jesus. Come check it out!

See you at CrossPoint.


Emmanuel - Our God is Still With us bannerNow that Christmas is behind us and we are driving head long into the new year, where is Jesus? The good news is, he is still with us! Join us this Sunday as we worship our Emmanuel.

Guest speaker Sarah Fay will share about her work at the Pregnancy Center of Greater Toledo. Worship begins at 10:30 am. See you on Sunday!

How to Read the Bible

Is there actually a wrong way to read the Bible? Join us this Sunday and find out! This week we begin a series on reading the Word of God. Worship begins at 10:30 am. We hope to see you here.

Untitled-1This Sunday we also begin an eight week Sunday morning VBS, Investigation Destination for kids age 3 through grade 5. Kids will be commissioned as sleuths as they look for the clues to the King of Kings and discover the life of Jesus. Come check it out!

Family Christmas Gathering

2013 Advent-bulletinJoin us this Sunday for an informal family gathering as we sip hot chocolate, munch on cookies, and share our favorite Christmas stories. This unique and informal service begins at 10:30 am. See you at CrossPoint!

Advent at CrossPoint

2013 Advent-bulletinThe word advent means “appearing.” Advent is that special time before Christmas where we wait with hopeful anticipation for the coming of the Savior, Jesus Christ into the world. Join us each Sunday throughout December as we celebrate our Emmanuel – God with us! Worship begins at 10:30 am. See you at CrossPoint!

CrossPoint Craft Show

Christmas tree croppedsdBring your list and do some Christmas shopping at the
CrossPoint Arts & Craft Show
this Saturday, November 9
from 10 am – 5 pm
right here at CrossPoint
4212 Onondaga Ave.

~ Free child care so parents can shop
~ It’s not too late to reserve a table
~ Call the church office at 419-729-0733 for details

The Praying Church

Hebrews 4-16 copy“Standing boldly before the throne of Grace!”
We invite you to join us for worship this Sunday as we look at what it means to be a praying church. Worship begins at 10:30 am. We hope you’ll join us!

CrossPoint Missions Weekend!

2013 BE LIGHT Missions conference copyThis Friday through Sunday with special guest
Rob Burns from Macedonia

  • Join us this Friday, October 11 for our International Dinner and Dance Night. Come at 6 pm for a great meal followed by an opportunity to learn several dances from around the world. This event is a blast you won’t want to miss!
  • Come Saturday morning to Maumee Bay and walk the beautiful boardwalk with Rob Burns. Meeting at the nature center at 10 am. Bring binoculars if you have them!
  • Join us Sunday morning for worship as Rob Burns tells about God’s awesome work in Macedonia. Worship begins at 10:30 am. Hope to see you at CrossPoint!