The Greatest Life

This Sunday: Prayer: Don’t Give Up – Keep asking, keep knocking, keep seeking! Join us this Sunday for week nine of our intriguing study of the life of Jesus. Worship begins at 10:30 am. Click here for more information and daily readings

DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ~ Be sure to set your clocks ahead this Saturday night! Daylight Saving time begins Sunday, March 11.

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Check out our KidsPoint programs and small groups.

The Greatest Life

This Sunday: What’s it Going to Cost Me? – Being a follower of Christ is not easy! Join us this Sunday for week eight of our intriguing study of the life of Jesus. Worship begins at 10:30 am. Click here for more information and daily readings

Need directions to CrossPoint? Click here.

Check out our KidsPoint programs and small groups.

Annual Meeting

CrossPoint’s first ever annual membership meeting is this Sunday! Come find out what God has done in and through our church in 2011.

Carry-in Meal

Everyone is invited to bring a dish or two for the carry-in meal we’ll have after our worship service and before the meeting.

The Greatest Life

January 8 – April 8, Easter Sunday.

This Sunday: A Parable is Like …  Join us this Sunday for week four of our intriguing study of the life of Jesus. Worship begins at 10:30 am. Click here for more information and daily readings

Need directions to CrossPoint? Click here.
Check out our KidsPoint programs and small groups.