The Cross Life

What does it mean to live the Cross Life? Why is it necessary to consider the cross as we live in the resurrection of Jesus? Join us for worship this Sunday as Pastor Mike continues our current series that discusses these questions and more. The CROSS Life promises to grow our faith as we live with Jesus at the center of our hearts.


We are excited to offer a great program for children ages 3 through grade 6 at our KidsPoint ministry. Old Testament Characters! is the name of our current series. Your children will grow in their faith as they interact each week with a variety of Old Testament characters. Adam and Eve, Noah and the flood, Moses, Esther, David, and Ruth are all characters of trust and faith that your children will come to love as they learn about our faithful God. Bring your children and join us at CrossPoint each Sunday. You’ll find a home for everyone!

We meet for worship every Sunday morning at 10:30 at 4212 Onondaga Ave. You can also join online at our Facebook page (

The Cross Life

What does it mean to live the Cross Life? Why is it necessary to consider the cross as we live in the resurrection of Jesus? Join us for worship this Sunday as Pastor Mike continues our current series that discusses these questions and more. The CROSS Life promises to grow our faith as we live with Jesus at the center of our hearts.

We will also be honoring moms, stepmoms, grandmoms, and all women who love like moms! Be sure to join us for this special time of thanking women for the many ways they love.

We are excited to offer a great program for children ages 3 through grade 6 at our KidsPoint ministry. Old Testament Characters! is the name of our current series. Your children will grow in their faith as they interact each week with a variety of Old Testament characters. Adam and Eve, Noah and the flood, Moses, Esther, David, and Ruth are all characters of trust and faith that your children will come to love as they learn about our faithful God. Bring your children and join us at CrossPoint each Sunday. You’ll find a home for everyone!

We meet for worship every Sunday morning at 10:30 at 4212 Onondaga Ave. You can also join online at our Facebook page (

The Cross Life

What does it mean to live the Cross Life? Why is it necessary to consider the cross as we live in the resurrection of Jesus? Join us for worship this Sunday as Pastor Mike continues our current series that discusses these questions and more. The CROSS Life promises to grow our faith as we live with Jesus at the center of our hearts.

We are excited to offer a great program for children ages 3 through grade 6 at our KidsPoint ministry. Old Testament Characters! is the name of our new series beginning this Sunday, May 1. Your children will grow in their faith as they interact each week with a variety of Old Testament characters. Adam and Eve, Noah and the flood, Moses, Esther, David, and Ruth are all characters of trust and faith that your children will come to love as they learn about our faithful God. Bring your children and join us at CrossPoint each Sunday. You’ll find a home for everyone!

We meet for worship every Sunday morning at 10:30 at 4212 Onondaga Ave. You can also join online at our Facebook page (

The Cross Life

What does it mean to live the Cross Life? Why is it necessary to consider the cross as we live in the resurrection of Jesus? Join us for worship this Sunday, April 24, as Pastor Mike begins our new series that discusses these questions and more. The CROSS Life promises to grow our faith as we live with Jesus at the center.

We are excited to offer a great program for children ages 3 through grade 6 at our KidsPoint ministry. Old Testament Characters! is the name of our new series beginning next Sunday, May 1. Your children will grow in their faith as they interact each week with a variety of Old Testament characters. Adam and Eve, Noah and the flood, Moses, Esther, David, and Ruth are all characters of trust and faith that your children will come to love as they learn about our faithful God. Bring your children and join us at  CrossPoint each Sunday. You’ll find a home for everyone!

We meet for worship every Sunday morning at 10:30 at 4212 Onondaga Ave. You can also join online at our Facebook page (



What if?
“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Corinthians 15:57)
Today’s Scripture reading is 1 Corinthians 15:12-58
Easter Sunday! Christ is risen! Join us this morning at 10:30 am for our Resurrection Sunday Celebration!
But, what if they found the corpse of Christ in the tomb? God forbid! But, what if? Paul lays out the unimaginable answer in 1 Corinthians 15:13-14. Our faith would be futile. There would be no point in any of our teaching. It would all be a lie. If Christ is dead, our loved ones remain in the grave. We would be wasting our time and our life for nothing. We would be just wandering around in the dark, hanging onto a few words of inspiration for a few short years.
Now, are you ready for Paul’s answer? “But in fact, CHRIST HAS BEEN RAISED FROM THE DEAD!” (1 Corinthians 15:20). What glorious words! Our faith is not empty. It is all true. Those who are in Christ by faith will never die. The curtain is torn! Nothing separates us from eternal life with God! Jesus is risen! Today, on this glorious Easter Sunday, take some time to praise your risen Savior!
Prayer: “Jesus, torn from the Father, now forever reunited at the throne, I praise and thank you for the courage you give me today and in my life…”
We hope you have enjoyed and benefited from this Lenten Series, “Torn.” If so, let us know by emailing us at


TORN – Day 40 – Holy Saturday

TORN – Day 40 – Holy Saturday, 4/16/22
“I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures.” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)
Today’s Scripture reading is 1 Corinthians 15:1-12
Why is the word “buried” recorded in today’s Scripture? Isn’t it obvious? … Buried follows dead. Why is this word important to our faith? “Buried” not only offers proof that Jesus died, but also shows us the high cost of our sin. Dead on the cross and laid in the tomb, Jesus was cut off, his very life torn from him. Yet, his burial declares that God makes the grave itself holy.
God doesn’t abandon us, even in the grave. It is there in the grave that Christ, our Scapegoat, is buried. With him, our sins are buried, removed forever: “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29). All the way to the grave! Reflect on what might be the Bible verse you would like placed on your tombstone someday.
Prayer: “Jesus, the grave couldn’t hold you! May that hope be with those near death…”


TORN – Day 39 – Good Friday

TORN – Day 39 – Good Friday, 4/15/22
The Hiddenness of God
“There was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour. And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice…”My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mark 15:33-34)
Today’s Scripture reading is Psalm 22:1-24
Imagine, the Father and his beloved Son torn apart. Never before in all of eternity had this been so. Often the cry is heard, “Why? Why does God hide from me?” God doesn’t hide to be hidden. He hides to be found. He wills to be found in the suffering go Christ. God willed this to be, so that in our darkest days, we are assured that the Father will never forsake us. Today, reflect on the words of “My Hope is Built on Nothing Less” that mean the most to you.
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness
I dare not trust the sweetest frame
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name
When darkness veils his lovely face
I rest on his unchanging grace
In every high and stormy gale
My anchor holds within the veil
(Edward Mote, 1797-1874)
Today is our Community Cross Walk. Meet at the Lighthouse on Summit St. at 11:00 am this morning. Then tonight, join us at RiverPoint Ministries, 2862 131st. St. at 7:00 pm for our Community Good Friday gathering.
Prayer: “Jesus, I build my hope on you today; hope for…”


TORN – Day 38 – Holy Thursday

TORN – Day 38 – Holy Thursday, 4/14/22
Two Basins
“He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him.” (John 13:5)
Today’s Scripture reading is John 13.
We live our lives out of one of two basins: the basin of Pilate or the basin of Jesus. The basin of Pilate is one of indifference. Rather than ask for God’s grace, he asked for a bowl. Rather than listen to the voice of Jesus, he listened to the voice of the crowd. Where did Pilate go wrong? Not so much in the evil he did, but in the kindness he withheld. How often do I live my life out of this basin?
The basin of Jesus is one of servanthood. Jesus knew who he was and whose he is. Torn from his friends by betrayal, he still serves them. Jesus washed their feet so that hours later, when they hung their heads in shame, they would see their feet and remember the grace of splashing water. In today’s reflection, think of a few ways you can serve someone this week.
Prayer: “Lord, I know who I am in you. Help me to lay aside all pride so I can serve…”


TORN – Day 37

TORN – Day 37 – Wednesday, 4/13/22
A Wonderful Promise
“Whoever comes to me I will never cast out.” (John 6:37)
Today’s Scripture reading is Psalm 23.
What a wonderful promise: “Whoever comes to me I will never cast out.” God will listen to and accept anyone who comes to him, including you. He will never reject you.
Even in times of doubt and darkness, God’s Word is an anchor that we can trust. He invites us to draw near to him through faith and hope, at any time.
Prayer: “Jesus, may those who live in doubt come to you, especially…”


TORN – Day 36

TORN – Day 36 – Tuesday, 4/12/22
“He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.” (Colossians 2:15)
Today’s Scripture reading is Mark 14:1-9.
In God’s hands, brokenness has a purpose and brings a blessing. It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength. It is the broken alabaster box in today’s reading that brings forth perfume, a special anointing. It is Peter, broken and weeping bitterly, who is restored.
Have you ever found yourself in a place of brokenness? It is in that brokenness that Jesus gives us himself. On the night of the Last Supper, he took the bread, blessed it, and broke it, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you.” (1 Corinthians 11:24 NLT).
Prayer: “Jesus in the bread you bless and break, you give me…