Live Stream: Challenging the Norm

Join us this Sunday ONLINE at the CrossPoint Facebook page at 10:30 am. It will also be available on our YouTube channel – (here). This Sunday we will continue our Lenten study Challenging the Norm: Meeting Jesus in Mark with a look at the rich young ruler and how Jesus set a great challenge before him. Tune in and see how God meets us everyday as the norms of life are flipped upside down.

Streaming Live This Sunday!

Join us this Sunday ONLINE at the CrossPoint Facebook page at 10:30 am. It will also be available on our YouTube channel – (here), We will continue our Lenten study Challenging the Norm: Meeting Jesus in Mark. These odd and difficult times are certainly challenging the norms of everyday life! Tune at and see how God meets us everyday even as life is turned upside down.

Important Update and Video

Lots of items in this video update.

There will be no in-person worship service this Sunday morning. But we will be streaming our worship service on Facebook Live beginning at 10:30 am this Sunday.

If you need anything at all, or if any of our ministry teams can serve you in any way, give us a call at the church office, or send us an email.

God bless!

Here is the link to the video:

Challenging the Norm

Meeting Jesus in Mark
Join us for worship this Sunday as we continue with our Lenten series, Challenging the Norm – Meeting Jesus in Mark. This Sunday we will encounter Jesus as he touched lives, healed the sick, and even raised people from the dead! Worship begins at 10:30 am. Hope to see you at CrossPoint.

Challenging The Norm – Meeting Jesus in Mark

Challenging the Norm
Meeting Jesus in Mark

Join us for our Lenten series as we prepare for Resurrection Sunday. This seven week series includes weekly Bible readings with Sunday reflections through the Book of Mark. Take time this Lenten season to reflect on the life of Jesus. Worship begins at 10:30 am.

Radical Love

February is the month of LOVE! Join us for worship this Sunday as we focus on Radical Love for God and others. Worship begins at 10:30 am. Hope to see you at CrossPoint.