International Weekend

Come to our International Dinner this Friday, November 15, at 6 pm. Meet International worker, Todd Dinius, at an informal gathering while enjoying delicious international foods. Hope to see you at CrossPoint!

This Sunday special guest speaker, Todd Dinius will share about his work in Bosnia. Join us for worship at 10:30 am.


Abide in Me

This Sunday Pastor Mike brings the message about abiding in Christ and remaining connected to the life giving Vine. We will also share communion together. Join us for worship at 10:30 am. Hope to see you at CrossPoint!

Life on Mission

We Have One Job!
Life on Mission

This Sunday we conclude with our series Life on Mission. Join us for worship as we wrap up the five points of mission: Connect, Serve, Share, Grow, and Pray. Worship begins at 10: 30 am. Hope to see you at CrossPoint!

Life On Mission

We Have One Job!
What is it? Find out as we experience Life on Mission together as a church.

This Sunday we continue with our series Life on Mission. This week we will focus on Prayer as we live out our mission. All of our small groups will view and discuss session six as we meet for encouragement, great discussions, building friendships and prayer. We hope you’ll join us! Worship begins at 10: 30 am. Hope to see you at CrossPoint!

Life on Mission

Jesus has a mission – a job – for each one of us. What is it? Find out as we experience Life on Mission together as a church.

We continue this Sunday with our current series Life on Mission. Throughout the week we will focus on Growing with session five at all of our small groups using workbooks, DVD lessons and great discussions. Worship begins at 10: 30 am. Hope to see you at CrossPoint!

Life on Mission

Jesus has a mission – a job – for each one of us. What is it? Find out as we experience Life on Mission together as a church.

We continue this Sunday with our current series Life on Mission. Throughout the week we will focus on Sharing with session four at all of our small groups using workbooks, DVD lessons and great discussions. Worship begins at 10: 30 am. Hope to see you at CrossPoint!

Life On Mission

Jesus has a mission – a job – for each one of us. What is it? Find out as we experience Life on Mission together as a church.

We continue this Sunday with our current series Life on Mission. Throughout the week we will continue with session three at all of our small groups using workbooks, DVD lessons and great discussions. Worship begins at 10: 30 am.

Life on Mission

You have one job!

Jesus has a mission – a job – for each one of us. What is it? Find out as we experience Life on Mission together as a church.

This six week series continues this Sunday, September 29 with a message by Pastor Mike. Throughout the week we will continue with session two at all of our small groups using workbooks, DVD lessons and great discussions. See you Sunday morning at 10:30!

Life on Mission

You have one job!

Jesus has a mission – a job – for each one of us. What is it? Find out as we experience Life on Mission together as a church.

This six week series begins Sunday, September 22 with a message by Pastor Mike, and then all of our small groups will be using workbooks, DVD lessons, and discussion during the week. See you Sunday morning at 10:30!