The Trinity

This Sunday we continue with our current series, The Trinity, looking at Jesus, God the Son! Worship begins at 10:30 am. We hope you’ll join us!

Plan to stay for a picnic immediately following the worship service. Hot dogs, picnic supplies, beverages, and yard games will all be provided. Join the fun!



Seek 2018

SEEK 2018

Join John Stumbo and the Alliance family as together we press into the deeper, abiding presence of God’s Holy Spirit.

Themes of a deeper life and missions were tied together from our earliest days in The Alliance. Our founder, Dr. A. B. Simpson, believed that as the work of God went deeper into our lives, the natural outcome was for the Word and the work of God to extend more broadly from us. God’s heart is for the world, and as our hearts are joined more intimately with His, we begin to share in His passions. It’s within this context that you’re invited to SEEK 2018.

June 8-9 (Friday-Saturday), 2018 at Westgate Chapel.

CLICK HERE to sign up!

The Trinity

This Sunday we continue with our current series, The Trinity, looking at God the Father and the deep love he has for his children. Worship begins at 10:30 am. We hope you’ll join us!

Join us for worship and a church picnic next Sunday, May 27. Hot dogs, picnic supplies, beverages, and yard games will all be provided. Worship begins at 10:30 am with the picnic beginning immediately following the worship service. Mark your calendar and plan to come!


The Trinity

This Sunday we launch our next series called The Trinity. Join us for worship as we learn of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit – three distinct names and attributes, but only one God.


We will also be honoring moms on their special day. Invite your mom, friends, and family to this special time of celebration! Worship begins at 10:30 am. See you at CrossPoint!


Follow Me

This Sunday we continue with our series, Follow Me. Join us for worship as we hear the call of Jesus to his disciples, and his call to us today. Worship begins at 10:30 am. See you at CrossPoint!

Follow Me

This Sunday we begin a new series called, Follow Me. Join us for worship as we hear the call of Jesus to his disciples, and his call to you and me today. Worship begins at 10:30 am. See you at CrossPoint!

He Is Risen!

Join us for Easter this Sunday!
We will begin our special celebration with our WAAAY After Sunrise Service at the CrossPoint fire pit, followed by Easter Breakfast prepared and served by our men’s group. Worship begins at 10:30 am and will include a special song just for kids. We hope you’ll join us as we celebrate our risen Savior!

Set Free to Live

Join us as we continue our current series Set Free to Live – the book of Galatians. This Sunday we will look at chapters 5 & 6, Freedom & Life by the Spirit. Worship begins at 10:30 am. See you at CrossPoint!

Set Free To Live

Join us as we continue our current series Set Free to Live – the book of Galatians. This Sunday we will look at chapters 3 & 4, Faith, Works, and the Law. Worship begins at 10:30 am. See you at CrossPoint!

Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour this Saturday night!