
This Sunday: Week 7 of Beginnings. Join us for worship at 10:30 am as we continue looking at the beginnings of the Church from the book of Acts. See you at CrossPoint!


This Sunday we continue with week four of our current series Beginnings. Join us for worship at 10:30 am as we take a fascinating look at the beginnings of the Church from the book of Acts. See you at CrossPoint!


We continue this week with week three of our current series, Beginnings. Join us for a fascinating look at the beginnings of Israel and the beginnings of the Arab nations. Worship begins at 10:30 am. Hope to see you at CrossPoint!

Beginnings of the World

We continue this Sunday with week two of BEGINNINGS.

This week we will look at the beginning of mankind and the special help that comes from God. Join us for worship at 10:30 am. Hope to see you at CrossPoint for this awesome new series.

Beginnings of the World

This Sunday we begin a new series called BEGINNINGS.

Join us for worship as we look at the Beginnings of the World from Genesis … (that’s right), chapter one! Worship begins at 10:30 am. Hope to see you at CrossPoint for an awesome start to an awesome new series.

In need of restoration?

This Sunday we conclude our current series with week five of RESTORING THE BROKEN.

God brings restoration to every part of our lives bringing forgiveness in our relationship with him, healing in our relationship with others, and strength to our physical bodies. As we continue to live in faith, he continues to bring complete restoration to our lives. Join us this Sunday as Pastor Mike talks about our complete and perfected restoration. Worship begins at 10:30 am. Hope to see you here!

In need of restoration?

This Sunday we continue with week four of RESTORING THE BROKEN. Guest speaker Rev. Ben DeLong talks about physical healing as we trust God to touch our daily lives and bring us restoration. Join us for worship at 10:30 am.

In need of restoration?

This Sunday we continue with week three of RESTORING THE BROKEN as guest speaker Rev. Ben DeLong talks about the healing we can find from fractured relationships, and from the pain of our past.

Join us for worship at 10:30 am.