11- 20 – 2011

CrossPoint Accreditation
this Sunday, November 20, 2011

Join us this Sunday for a special celebration as CrossPoint Community Church becomes fully accredited with the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Worship begins at 10:30 am. Plan to stay for the reception following the service. See you at CrossPoint!

Click here for directions.

Living the Gospel Together

Community … Gospel … Christ … Joy

This Sunday we continue with our series, Living the Gospel Together. Join us as we look at four major life themes from the book of Philippians: Living life together, Good News, Christ, and Joy. Connect with an awesome community here at CrossPoint! Worship begins at 10:30 am.

Click here for directions.
Check out our KidsPoint programs and small groups.

Missions Conference: BE LIGHT

Sunday through Wednesday, October 16-19!
This week we kick off our BE LIGHT Missions Conference, celebrating God’s work around the world. Join us for a variety of fun activities: 

  • Sunday ~ 10:30 am – Worship service: Meet our guest speaker and hear about how God is at work around the world.
  • Sunday ~ 6 pm – Steadfast & Collide (junior & senior high) bonfire at the CrossPoint fire pit.
  • Monday ~ 6 pm – International Banquet: Meeting at the church, bring international food to share, and wear international clothes.
  • Tuesday ~ 10:30 am – Ladies’ meeting at the church, followed by lunch out.
  • Tuesday ~ 6 pm – Crock Pot dinner, then International Dance and Song Night at the church.
  • Wednesday ~ 10 am – Men’s breakfast at Rudy’s on Summit St.

At The Core

As we prepare to become a fully accredited C&MA church we are looking at the core values of the Alliance. These values are what the Christian and Missionary Alliance is all about! This Sunday we conclude with our final two values:

Our Core Values:
#1: Lost people matter to God. He wants them found.
#2: Prayer is the primary work of God’s people.
#3: Everything we have belongs to God. We are His stewards
#4: Knowing and obeying God’s Word is fundamental to all true success.

#5: Completing the Great Commission will require the mobilization of every fully devoted disciple.
#6: Without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, we can accomplish nothing.

#7: Achieving God’s purposes means taking faith-filled risks. This always involves change.

Join us for worship this Sunday at 10:30 am. Not sure how to find us? Click here for directions.
Check out our KidsPoint programs.

At The Core

As we prepare to become a fully accredited C&MA church we are looking at the core values of the Alliance:

#1: Lost people matter to God. He wants them found.
#2: Prayer is the primary work of God’s people.
#3: Everything we have belongs to God. We are His stewards

This Sunday we focus on the values of knowing God’s Word and being fully devoted disciples:

#4: Knowing and obeying God’s Word is fundamental to all true success.
#5: Completing the Great Commission will require the mobilization of every fully devoted disciple.

Join us for worship at 10:30 am. Not sure how to find us? Click here for directions.
Check out our KidsPoint programs.

At the Core

The C&MA

As we prepare to become a fully accredited C&MA church we will be looking at the core values of the Alliance. Last Sunday we looked at value #1: Lost people matter to God. He wants them found.

Join us this Sunday as we continue our study, with Core Value #2: Prayer is the primary work of God’s people.

Worship begins at 10:30 am.

Check out our KidsPoint programs.
Not sure how to find us? Click here for directions.