
Pastor Mike has suggested that we all observe Lent together, and do some things in our lives and schedules that will help us connect with God better. The points of his message were:

  • Slow down
    • Many of us are distracted and miss God’s voice on mission
  • Make room
    • Clear out some things that are making you busy
    • Give up something for Lent
    • Fast
  • Get alone
    • Jesus often went to a “solitary place” to pray to God. So should we.
  • Be quiet
    • Sometimes we talk too much. Let God speak to us.
  • Open up
    • As we contemplate and think about God, be open to His speaking to you.
    • Pray, but also listen to the Holy Spirit

During Lent, let’s all:

  1. Give up something
  2. Spend time with God praying and listening
  3. Use the calendar handout

Here’s how to use the calendar handout:

  • Each day there is a subject to think about – use it in your prayer and meditation time.
  • Each day there is a Bible reading
  • Every Friday and Saturday we will be reading the chapter in Lamentations that we will be looking at on Sunday

New Way to be Human

~ Need a new perspective?

Join us Sunday mornings for our current teaching series New Way to be Human and see how God wants to work in your life! Worship begins at 10:30 am. Join us for awesome singing, relevant messages, and great refreshments. See you Sunday morning!

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