Photos from the Outdoor Service at the lighthouse

People starting to gather. Cosgrove’s Lawn Service took care of the lawn for us

Steve and Sandy Pennington preparing the food

Alternative Plumbing provided the food for our picnic

Pastor Jon Komperda leading the song “God Made”

CrossPoint’s worship team

Pastor Jon Komperda speaking to the children

People gathering

People gathering

Community VBS July 13-15


Our Community VBS is put on by the Point/Shoreland churches.
Dinner, music, stories, crafts, & rejoicing in God our Creator!
The VBS will be Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings, July 13-15 from 6 pm to 7:30 pm.

All children entering grades K-5 in the fall are welcome to attend.

Our VBS will be outdoors this year at Kleis Park next to the Point Place library. Every student will be provided a picnic dinner, and we will enjoy crafts, movement, stories, and songs that stir up love for the God who made us and all things!

You may bring a blanket for eating. Restrooms will be available at Point Place UCC.

Register for VBS by clicking HERE


Upon This Rock – Post-Resurrection

We continue to follow Peter in the book of Acts and see how God uses him to help spread the Kingdom of Christ and build His church.

We meet for worship every Sunday morning at 10:30 at 4212 Onondaga. You can also join online at our Facebook page (

“Unfinished: In Us” Event Resources

Below you will find all the resources that were shared at the recent Alliance family event: Unfinished: in US. You may view and download them by following these links:

Week 6: Alliance Missions

This is the final week of the Alliance 40 Days of Prayer. We have been praying together, as a church and as the Alliance family, for God’s help in ministering to the world. The theme of this final week of prayer is Alliance Missions.

We will be spending time in our Sunday morning worship service dealing with the topic of Alliance Missions. To watch online, go to our Facebook page at

Here is a short video about Alliance Missions from Tim Crouch, VP for Missions for the Christian and Missionary Alliance.

Weekly Prayer Encounters

The last Weekly Prayer Meeting will be this Wednesday, February 10 from 12:00 to 1:00 pm. You can sign up for those prayer meetings HERE. Click on the large square that says “Alliance Missions” to sign up for the online meeting.

If you are unable to join the meeting, these virtual prayer encounters will be recorded and available to you at a time that works best for you.

Here are all the links for this week:

Wk 6 Adult Devotional

Wk 6 Youth Devotional

Wk 6 Child Devotional

Weekly Prayer Meetings

Alliance Family Event – Unfinished: In Us

The Alliance is a frontline, end-times movement with an unrelenting passion to provide gospel access to ALL people – here in the U.S. and to the ends of the earth!

Join us Friday, February 12, for a virtual Alliance family event, Unfinished: in US, as we celebrate what God has done, is currently doing, and what we trust He will continue to do in and through us as He calls us into a deeper relationship with Him.

Register Here!

Choose either 7:15 pm or 9:30 pm on Friday night.

This virtual family event will include:

  • A video premier highlighting the bold choices and sacrifices made by our founder, A. B. Simpson
  • Compelling reports from U.S. Alliance churches crossing boundaries to reach lost and hurting people in their local communities and throughout the world for Christ
  • Spoken word and prayer pieces emphasizing the power of both individual and corporate prayer
  • An inspiring message from Ted Kang, pastor of San Jose Christian Alliance Church, about how our surrender to Christ and His sanctifying work moves us into deeper intimacy with Him, greater trust in His abiding care, and the fullness of His Spirit’s power and presence in our lives.

The event, hosted by John Stumbo, will be streamed February 12 at both 7:15 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Eastern Time to ensure the entire Alliance family has an opportunity to participate.

Plan now to gather as a family or small group—or even host a socially distanced viewing party as a church—with a time of fellowship either before or after the event.

We hope you’ll join us as we celebrate together our past, present, and future privilege of taking All of Jesus to All the World.

Week 5: Marginalized People

We are now in Week 5 of the Alliance 40 Days of Prayer. We are using this time to pray together as a church, and as a larger national body known as the Alliance. The theme of this fifth week of prayer is Marginalized People.

We will be spending time in our Sunday morning worship service dealing with the topic of Marginalized People. To watch online, go to our Facebook page at

Here is a short video about this week’s theme from Gary Friesen, General Council/VP for the Christian and Missionary Alliance.

The best way to get all the resources for the 40 Days of Prayer is to register. That way you will get all the devotionals, videos, and information delivered to you by email.

Register Here for 40 Days of Prayer

You will receive by email:

  • Weekly theme videos. One each for adult, youth, and child
  • Daily devotional readings and prayers. For adult, youth, and child
  • Links for the weekly online prayer meetings (every Wednesday at 12 noon)

Weekly Prayer Encounters

Every Wednesday from 12:00 to 1:00 pm the Alliance will be hosting an online prayer meeting. You can sign up for those prayer meetings HERE. Click on the large square to sign up for each week’s online meeting. In these virtual meetings, two leaders will guide us in a time of focused prayer on that around the week’s theme, as we join our hearts together in crying out to the Lord.

If you are unable to join the meeting, the virtual prayer encounters will be recorded and available to you at a time that works best for you.

Here are all the links:


Wk 5 Adult Devotional

Wk 5 Youth Devotional

Wk 5 Child Devotional

Weekly Prayer Meetings

Week 4: Evangelism (Local and Regional)

This week begins week 4 of the Alliance 40 Days of Prayer. We are using this time to pray together as a church, and as a larger national body known as the Alliance. The theme of this fourth week of prayer is Evangelism – Local and Regional.

Here is a short video about this week’s theme from Tim Meier, Alliance Vice President for Development.

The best way to get all the resources for the 40 Days of Prayer is to register. That way you will get all the devotionals, videos, and information delivered to you by email.

Register Here for 40 Days of Prayer

You will receive by email:

  • Weekly theme videos. One each for adult, youth, and child
  • Daily devotional readings and prayers. For adult, youth, and child
  • Links for the weekly online prayer meetings (every Wednesday at 12 noon)

Weekly Prayer Encounters

Every Wednesday from 12:00 to 1:00 pm the Alliance will be hosting an online prayer meeting. You can sign up for those prayer meetings HERE. Click on the large square to sign up for each week’s online meeting. In these virtual meetings, two leaders will guide us in a time of focused prayer on that around the week’s theme, as we join our hearts together in crying out to the Lord.

If you are unable to join the meeting, the virtual prayer encounters will be recorded and available to you at a time that works best for you.

Here are all the links:


Wk 4 Adult Devotional

Wk 4 Youth Devotional

Wk 4 Child Devotional

Weekly Prayer Meetings

Week 3: Spirit Empowerment and Fullness

This week begins week 3 of the Alliance 40 Days of Prayer. We are using this time to pray together as a church, and as a larger national body known as the Alliance. The theme of this third week of prayer is Spirit Empowerment and Spirit Fullness.

Here is a short video about this week’s theme from Ken Baldes, Alliance Vice President for Operations/Treasurer.

The best way to get all the resources for the 40 Days of Prayer is to register. That way you will get all the devotionals, videos, and information delivered to you by email.

Register Here for 40 Days of Prayer

You will receive by email:

  • Weekly theme videos. One each for adult, youth, and child
  • Daily devotional readings and prayers. For adult, youth, and child
  • Links for the weekly online prayer meetings (every Wednesday at 12 noon)

Weekly Prayer Encounters

Every Wednesday from 12:00 to 1:00 pm the Alliance will be hosting an online prayer meeting. You can sign up for those prayer meetings HERE. Click on the large square to sign up for each week’s online meeting. In these virtual meetings, two leaders will guide us in a time of focused prayer on that around the week’s theme, as we join our hearts together in crying out to the Lord.

If you are unable to join the meeting, the virtual prayer encounters will be recorded and available to you at a time that works best for you.

Here are all the links:


Wk 3 Adult Devotional

Wk 3 Youth Devotional

Wk 3 Child Devotional

Weekly Prayer Meetings