Minor Prophets with a Major Message

Minor Prophets with a Major Message mini 2This week we will be looking at the prophets Micah in our current sermon series, Minor Prophets with a Major Message. These books of the Bible are so named not because they are minor in importance, but because they are shorter in length than the “major prophets” of Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc. In fact, these books are extremely interesting and relevant.

Your assignment this week is, read the book of Micah in the Old Testament by this Sunday.

See you for worship on Sunday morning!

Minor Prophets with a Major Message

Minor Prophets with a Major Message mini 2This week we will be looking at the prophets Amos and Obadiah through our current sermon series, Minor Prophets with a Major Message. These books of the Bible are so named not because they are minor in importance, but because they are shorter in length than the “major prophets” of Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc. In fact, these books are extremely interesting and relevant. Here are just a few quotes from the Minor Prophets:

  • Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.
  • The just shall live by his faith.
  • Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
  • Out of Egypt I have called my son.
  • Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?

Your assignment this week is, read the book of Amos and Obadiah in the Old Testament by this Sunday.

See you for worship on Sunday morning!

Minor Prophets with a Major Message

Minor Prophets with a Major Message mini 2

This week we will be looking at the prophet Joel in our current sermon series, Minor Prophets with a Major Message. These books of the Bible are so named not because they are minor in importance, but because they are shorter in length than the “major prophets” of Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc. In fact, these books are extremely interesting and relevant. Here are just a few quotes from the Minor Prophets:

  • Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.
  • The just shall live by his faith.
  • Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
  • Out of Egypt I have called my son.
  • Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?

Your assignment this week is, read the book of Joel in the Old Testament by this Sunday.

See you for worship on Sunday morning!

Minor Prophets with a Major Message

Minor Prophets with a Major Message mini 2

For our next sermon series, we will be going through a section of the Bible called the Minor Prophets. These books are so named not because they are minor in importance, but because they are shorter in length than the “major prophets” of Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc. In fact, these books are extremely interesting and relevant. Here are just a few quotes from the Minor Prophets:

  • Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.
  • The just shall live by his faith.
  • Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
  • Out of Egypt I have called my son.
  • Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?

We’re going to spend several weeks in the Minor Prophets, and I’m going to ask you to read a book every week. This week’s book is the first minor prophet, Hosea. I think you will find it fascinating. For one thing, Hosea is told by God to marry a prostitute! Find out why this Sunday!

So, your assignment is, read the book of Hosea in the Old Testament by this Sunday.

See you for worship on Sunday morning!

#IWasThere, #IAmNicodemus

Today’s reflection: ‪#‎IAmNicodemus‬. Have you had your eyes opened to hope? Have you ever had to cling to hope even when all seemed lost? ‪#‎IWasThere‬
Read the story here

And here

Today’s reflection: #IAmNicodemus. Have you had your eyes opened to hope? Have you ever had to cling to hope even when all seemed lost? #IWasThere Read the story here: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=john+3%3A1-21&version=NIVAnd here: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=john+19%3A38-42&version=NIV

Posted by Point Place United Church of Christ on Thursday, April 2, 2015

#IWasThere, #IAmPilate

Today’s reflection: #IAmPilate. When have you chosen power over truth? When have you washed your hands of others’ suffering to preserve your own comfort? Read Pilate’s story here: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+18%3A28-19%3A16&version=NIV

Today's reflection: #IAmPilate. When have you chosen power over truth? When have you washed your hands of others' suffering to preserve your own comfort? Read Pilate's story here: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+18%3A28-19%3A16&version=NIV #IWasThere

#IWasThere, #IAmPeter

Today’s reflection: ‪#‎IAmPeter‬. Can you identify with Peter’s experience of shame, regret, and denial? Read the story here: Luke 22:54-63

On Good Friday, there are many ways of reflecting on the love of God we see displayed on the Cross throughout Point Place. One of them is a multi-church service at 7 pm held at RiverPoint Ministries UMC (2862 131st St., Toledo OH) called “Were You There?” We will consider the various people who witnessed the Cross and reflect on where we find ourselves in the story. All are welcome. Childcare available.

#IWasThere, #IAmMary

Lots of Holy Week opportunities this week from our Point Place churches. One of them is a multi-church Good Friday service called “Were You There?” During the service and throughout the week, we will invite you to identify with some of the people who were at the Cross many years ago, and hopefully find the Jesus of the Cross for yourselves in some way this week. ‪#‎IWasThere‬

On Good Friday, there are many ways of reflecting on the love of God we see displayed on the Cross throughout Point Place. One of them is a multi-church service at 7pm held at RiverPoint Ministries UMC (2862 131st St., Toledo OH) called “Were You There?” We will consider the various people who witnessed the Cross and reflect on where we find ourselves in the story. All are welcome. Childcare available.