
Pastor Mike has suggested that we all observe Lent together, and do some things in our lives and schedules that will help us connect with God better. The points of his message were:

  • Slow down
    • Many of us are distracted and miss God’s voice on mission
  • Make room
    • Clear out some things that are making you busy
    • Give up something for Lent
    • Fast
  • Get alone
    • Jesus often went to a “solitary place” to pray to God. So should we.
  • Be quiet
    • Sometimes we talk too much. Let God speak to us.
  • Open up
    • As we contemplate and think about God, be open to His speaking to you.
    • Pray, but also listen to the Holy Spirit

During Lent, let’s all:

  1. Give up something
  2. Spend time with God praying and listening
  3. Use the calendar handout

Here’s how to use the calendar handout:

  • Each day there is a subject to think about – use it in your prayer and meditation time.
  • Each day there is a Bible reading
  • Every Friday and Saturday we will be reading the chapter in Lamentations that we will be looking at on Sunday

Missions Conference next week

CrossPoint Missions Conference
October 3-6

Our missions conference begins this Sunday. We have an exciting lineup of events and activities in store for all of us. We encourage you to come to all the events if you are able! Here is the schedule of events:

Sunday, Oct. 3 10:30 am Church service with Debbie Vik and Ead
Sunday, Oct. 3 6:00 pm Meeting for Junior and Senior High students
Monday, Oct. 4 6:00 pm International Carry-in Banquet. Bring international
food and wear international clothes. Presentations by
Debbie and Ead.
Tuesday, Oct. 5 10:30 am Ladies’ meeting at the church building, followed by
lunch at Grace’s Kitchen
Tuesday, Oct. 5 6:00 pm Free dinner, then International Dance Night. You will
see and participate in dancing from around the world!
Wednesday, Oct. 6 10:00 am Men’s breakfast meeting at Rudy’s with Debbie and Ead
Wednesday, Oct. 6 7:00 pm Dessert at the home of Terry DeLong

Debbie Vik and her co-worker Ead will be with us throughout the conference. They both work in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand.
Click here to download our Missions Conference brochure.

Senior High going to Life2010

CrossPoint’s Senior High students, along with adult sponsors, are leaving for Louisville, Kentucky Tuesday morning to attend Life2010 (Collide). Life2010 is a gathering of thousands of students from around the country for a giant conference with seminars, worship, concerts, and teaching. We are praying that our students will authentically experience God, be inspired to expand His Kingdom, and grow closer to Christ. May they experience God in a fresh new way this week.

Follow Life2010 on Facebook

Easter Events


Point Place Community Good Friday Service
We invite you to the community-wide Good Friday worship service at Messiah Lutheran Church, Friday, April 2 at 12 pm.

Breakfast for Everyone
Provided by students going to LIFE2010 on Easter Sunday morning, April 4 from 9-10:15 am. Come with your family and start Easter with your church family!

Resurrection Celebration!
Join us for our Easter Celebration Sunday, April 4 at 10:30 am. Invite friends and family!

Super Bowl Sunday Subs


CrossPoint’s Senior High group is going to LIFE2010 this summer, and one of our fundraisers is Super Bowl Sunday Subs!

You can order these delicious subs at only $5 each, and enjoy them while you watch the Super Bowl on Sunday, February 7.

Contact one of the senior high students and order your subs from them to help them raise support for the trip.

Or, you can order online here and help send the adult chaperones to LIFE2010.

Thanks for helping to support our students!

I’ve Got Questions – Can I Know God?

resized-400-x-300My new message series I’ve Got Questions continues this Sunday with the question, “Can I know God?”  Is it possible that we mere humans can actually have a relationship with the all-powerful, inscrutable, creator God?

This is a follow-up to last week’s question, “Who or what is God” where we looked at some of God’s attributes – what the Bible says about God’s nature and character.

If you want to get a jump on some of the Bible readings, you can check out Hebrews 1:1-3, Jeremiah 29:12-13, Philippians 3:10, Hebrews 4:12, and 2 Chronicles 5:11-14.

See you for worship on Sunday!

Pastor Mike DeLong

Baptism – Sunday, August 30th


Sunday, August 30 is going to be an exciting day at CrossPoint! We’ll be having an outdoor baptism after our worship service. The day will start with our worship service at 10:00 am. Then we’ll enjoy a carry-in lunch together at 11:00 (bring a dish to share). After lunch, we’ll go over to a home nearby and celebrate as people are baptized, signifying their burial and resurrection in Christ!

Afterwards, we’ll enjoy dessert together.

If you are interested in being baptized, contact us at the church office.