#IWasThere, #IAmMary

Lots of Holy Week opportunities this week from our Point Place churches. One of them is a multi-church Good Friday service called “Were You There?” During the service and throughout the week, we will invite you to identify with some of the people who were at the Cross many years ago, and hopefully find the Jesus of the Cross for yourselves in some way this week. ‪#‎IWasThere‬

On Good Friday, there are many ways of reflecting on the love of God we see displayed on the Cross throughout Point Place. One of them is a multi-church service at 7pm held at RiverPoint Ministries UMC (2862 131st St., Toledo OH) called “Were You There?” We will consider the various people who witnessed the Cross and reflect on where we find ourselves in the story. All are welcome. Childcare available.

Into the Wilderness – new series for Lent

Into the wilderness copy

Life isn’t always easy and smooth. Sometimes life becomes difficult because of circumstances, sorrow, pain, and sin. We may find ourselves in a season of darkness, and if feels like a parched desert. It turns out many people in the Bible, including our Lord Jesus, experienced wilderness times. This series explores what we can learn from finding ourselves in the wilderness.

Lent, the season from Ash Wednesday until Easter, is an ideal time to think about sorrow, hunger, and longing. Jesus was a “Man of Sorrows”, and we can learn from Him. During this time of contemplation of our own frailties, may we find it to be a time of learning, dependence, and comfort.

Worship service at CrossPoint is at 10:30 on Sunday mornings.

Amazon donations to CrossPoint

Whenever you buy anything from Amazon, 0.5% of the purchase price will be donated to our church, at no cost to you! Sign up for Amazon Smile, and go to smile.amazon.com every time you by something from Amazon.
Crosspoint Community Church

All Creation Sings outing on Saturday!


Another All Creation Sings outing – this time a hike at Oak Openings on Saturday, April 12 at 10 am. We’ll Meet at the Buehner Center, near Mallard Lake. We’ll be hiking the Ridge Trail (silver). Afterwards, we’ll eat at Charlie’s Restaurant on Airport Highway.

Observing Lent together

Lent begins on Wednesday, March 5, and continues until Easter. Some Christians use this time as a time of spiritual preparation, contemplation, and discipline. Many people give up something for Lent. Pastor Mike has prepared a tool that we can all use to help focus our Bible reading and prayer times. It has a short Scripture passage to contemplate, a prayer topic, and a Gospel reading for each day.

If you want to go further, here are some other suggestions:

  • Make room
    • Clear out some things that are making you busy
    • Give up something for Lent
    • Fast
  • Get alone
    • Jesus often went to a “solitary place” to pray to God. So should we. You might want to try spending some time outdoors.
  • Be quiet
    • Sometimes we talk too much. Let God speak to us.
  • Unplug
    • Spend an hour or two each day without using a computer, consulting a smartphone, or playing video games.
  • Open up
    • As we contemplate and think about God, be open to His speaking to you.
    • Pray, but also listen to the Holy Spirit
  • Online devotional

Download the Prayer and Bible Reading sheet

All Creation Sings outing to Side Cut Metropark

Another winter outing for our nature group, All Creation Sings!

We will meet at the Lamb Heritage Center at Side Cut Metropark at 10:00 am Saturday morning, January 18. The address of Side Cut is 1025 W. River Road, Maumee, OH 43537.

We will be walking the Canal Locks Trail, and the Wood Duck Trail. Click here to view or download a map of the park.

After our walk, we’ll find a place for some warm food!

Christians and Politics

Should Christians get involved in politics?

Should churches be active in the political arena?

Which political party is the most Biblical?

On Sunday morning, Pastor Mike will deal with these questions as he preaches on the topic “Christians and Politics”. Our worship service begins at 10:30 am.